Archive for September, 2009

Here we go again

September 28, 2009

Another war in the making. It’s like Iraq all over again. Sanctioning Iran will only further empower the Iranian government to become even more extreme. It’s a downward spiral. The more we threaten them, the more Tehran will say, “Look at what they are doing to our people, we have no choice but to defend ourselves.” That means more clamping down on democratic protesters, more money spent on the military, and as the average Iranian finds it harder to feed their family, fundamentalist religious views will spread.

We are told to believe that Iran is now really the threat we should all fear. Iraq? Yesterday’s news. Afghanistan? As long as it’s profitable for the military industrial complex we will still be told it’s the “good war”. But Iran offers up a whole new market for war profiteers to enrich themselves. After all, Iraq didn’t really put up any real resistance, and the Taliban never had large weapons systems to begin with. But Iran, now there’s a country that would cost quite a bit to invade.

What’s worse, the big players in the game are using Iran as a political tool. Look at the Russian’s response. Once we took the missile defense shield off the table, suddenly they see Iran as a problem. It was good for their politicians to resist us and use Iran as a pawn. Makes me wonder what other concessions our government made. No doubt there is a nice fat oil deal or two somewhere in all this for them.

And I’d bet Israel is busy buying up all the military hardware they can get their hands on in anticipation for a war with Iran. The Israeli government is doing the same thing Bush’s administration did; creating the need for more military spending by pumping fear into their people. When the masses are terrified, they have no problem giving into the notion that war will somehow save us all.

It’s sad really. Iran was once a democracy, but our government couldn’t live with the fact that they wouldn’t bow to western corporate profits. How dare they not let us steal their oil for our own gain. What bastards. And that is what this is really about, corporate profits.

Notice how North Korea isn’t on the “to invade” list right now? Oh sure, maybe to some neo-cons. But China would never agree to that, and the reality is that our country is so heavily dependent on loans from China that we wouldn’t dare piss them off. Never mind that China is now home to all our manufacturing base. No, China sells us too much crap to be made an enemy; too many US corporations are making a killing off their slave labor in Chinese factories filling Walmart’s shelves to want to butt heads with the communists.

But if we can convince enough people that war with Iran is a “good war”, then they will have no problem making corporations richer. Because that is what war is really all about; profit. Nothing pisses off the boardroom executives more than knowing that all that oil in Iran is not in their portfolios. The green revolution? Fuck em. It’s better to create an enemy that will require a larger defense budget than to admit we have no business telling other countries what they can do.

Funny how our insane levels of military spending never seem to get mentioned by the teabaggers. Of course not. A single payer health care system wouldn’t be as profitable for the corporate fatcats. We could insure every citizen and then some with much less than we spend building weapons of war. And it would help the average American a hell of a lot more than buying more jets, more bombs and more missiles. But it wouldn’t make the people that are already rich any richer.

There will always be a grave danger to our society as long as money can be made from war. There will always be a need for new weapons systems, bigger “defense” budgets and a further degrading of our constitutional rights. The cycle will never end because our government and the corporations are too in bed together. And our media is owned by the same people that profit from war (I’m looking at you GE). So don’t look to the evening news for the truth. (On a side note, how many of the teabaggers buy communist made product every day while decrying a fear of communism?)

Will we invade Iran? Personally I think we are being primed for an Israeli attack, one that this country will have no option but to support. This works for Israel because they will use it as an excuse to commit further crimes against the Palestinians in the hope that the Palestinians will rise up in response to bombs being dropped in Iran. Same goes for Lebanon and Syria.

And even if an invasion never happens just the threat of one demands an increase in military spending. We have to be prepared after all. And what a great way to change the subject. Torture? Look over here at Iran. Banks getting richer even as the economy crumbles? Iran wants nukes. Health care crisis? Fucking Iran is going to kill us all! Racism alive and well in America? You’re all going to die! Bomb Iran!

So we threaten, and they threaten, and we say we have no choice but war. After all we tried to be nice when we made it impossible for them to feed their families, when we used our might to make them desperate. We corner them, they react, we are justified. Sounds about right. And profitable too.

Hank Gilbert at the Texas Democratic Convention 2006

September 27, 2009

Here’s Hank speaking at the 2006 convention when he was running for Agriculture Commissioner:

Hank Gilbert interview on WFAA

September 27, 2009

I like this guy. Reminds me of Howard Dean; straight forward, real. He will be in Tarrant County at the Mid-Cities Democrats meeting on October 22.

Oh for fucks sake

September 25, 2009

This is one of the many idiotic voices attempting to discuss our clusterfuck that is Afghanistan:

If the president turns off the spigot of American assistance in Afghanistan, he will pay a substantial price for it. He’ll be going back on his rhetoric about Afghanistan as the “good war,” a war of necessity. He will cast the withdrawal from Iraq in a different light, endow the jihadist with a public victory (which will only encourage future attacks), and make it more difficult to achieve positive change in Afghanistan as well as collect intelligence on terrorists. He may turn Hamid Karzai’s government into an adversary. He will diminish our ability to help Pakistan fight terrorists, and will likely make the U.S. less trusted in the world. But those prices will be less than the cost of sending young Americans to fight and die in a war the president is not committed to winning.

The military is doing its job in Afghanistan. It’s time the rest of the government does its job. We need to turn our attention to the failures of the nonmilitary parts of our strategy and bring them up to the standard at which our military is performing. Otherwise we will not be doing what is needed to win.

What this fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution and an associate professor at the United States Military Academy seems to not understand is that it is our military stance in the middle east that is the problem. The military doing its job? Just what would that job be exactly? Hey smart one, ever live under the constant fear of drone aircraft bombing your home? We have no business there to begin with. That IS the problem.

Karzai’s government is thoroughly corrupt. Make them an “advesary”? They just stole an election. Doesn’t that already make them an “adversary”? How the hell can a “nonmilitary” anything happen when the “government” of Afghanistan is just another dictatorship hiding behind democracy? Let’s just play your way and assume we should be there; Did it ever occur to you that President Obama is withholding funds until they can figure out how to deal with Karzai’s corruption?

And I doubt short of bombing Iran that we can make ourselves any less trusted in the world. Did you sleep through the last 8 years? The fact that we are in Iraq, in Afghanistan, and positioned in 700 other bases around the world makes it pretty damn hard to trust us. Never mind our unending support of Israel and it’s steady genocide against the Palestinians and saber-rattling at Iran.

Dumping more money into Afghanistan will fix nothing, regardless of whether it is military or nonmilitary spending. President Obama was wrong to call Afghanistan the “good war”. And you’re right, sending our soldiers to die in a war we are not committed to is a horrible thing. So bring them home! The reason we are not “committed” is because there is nothing to commit to.

You are missing the point oh smart one; We create terrorism by invading other countries, by propping up dictatorships and by torturing people in secret prisons. Bagram Airbase is the new Gitmo. Pakistan? Didn’t we back their last dictator? Why would they want to talk to us?

Fellow at Stanford huh. Stanford must not have very high standards.

Oh, and nice try using “or get out” in the title. You never mention that option once in your little rant.

Hank Gilbert for Governor

September 24, 2009

Elect Hank Gilbert for Governor of Texas!

More to come….